Monday, March 14, 2011

What I Learned

My last post talked about a discipleship training class that Seth and I were both taking and I wanted to share a little of what I learned.  Much of it, I am still processing, but for now these are the highlights.

1. There is so much more.  My relationship with the Lord will never hit a climax.  I have been saved my entire life and I still have so much to learn.  Just in these four weeks, the Lord revealed new truths to me, taught me most likely the simplest form of evangelism, and showed me that I can walk in His authority because He is in me. 

2.  There is power in prayer.  This is a truth that God has been showing me throughout my life, but this class helped bring it to a whole new level.  Another of our requirements was to pray out loud, without distractions,  for 10 minutes a day.  I have always been a very private person and my relationship with the Lord has also been very intimate.  Because of that my prayers have mostly been internal, between He and me.  Granted I pray out loud with my girls and my husband, but rarely on my own without any distractions.  During these four weeks I have been getting up before my children to read my Bible and pray, and it has been amazing.  I have found that my prayers throughout the day have also been going from internal to out loud.  And I am finding that not only is there power in prayer, but my relationship with the Lord has grown stronger.   The way I have enjoyed ending my prayers has been with these words, "Lord walk with me today, hand in hand, guiding me and directing my steps."  I have loved the image of Him holding my hand, walking beside me, the two of us laughing and talking together like a Father holding his little girl's hand.  I love my Papa. 

3.  Something Seth shared with me today, that I believe is a little of what he has been processing, is simply our purpose.  He stated that our daily mindsets should be heaven focused.  When our focus becomes eternity, our daily living will drastically change.  We will no longer have in our mind the things of this world, or our own selfish ambitions, but our mind will be concerned with the things of God.  His concerns will become our concerns.  This class showed us that as we fill ourselves with more and more of the Lord, through His word, prayer, teachings, and fellowship with other believers, it will begin to flow out of us, and others will be impacted because of Who they see in us.  We will begin to diminish so that He will increase.   

All of these highlights are elementary I know, but yet so easy to forget.  I pray that I will never forget and will continually grow and be changed by Him.