Tuesday, October 30, 2012


   I had an interesting revelation the other day.  I had been finding myself saying, "I need to find balance in this area, or that area."  I had heard other moms say the same thing for different situations in their lives. 
   Then as I sat in a service I heard someone say that they were "centered in Christ".  I've heard that term before, and it is a great Christian term, but I never really understood it, until that night.  I actually got a picture of a teeter-totter in my head and realized how easy it is to get off balance.  A little too far left or right and that teeter is going to totter.  
   A teeter-totter usually has a very small fulcrum in the middle which allows it to teeter, and as you know, the further out you go, the easier it is to get off balance.  But, when we become centered in Christ, as our relationship with Him grows and we allow Him more place in our lives, our fulcrum becomes bigger and wider.  So, in those times when we don't know how to deal with a situation, when we don't know the right answer, when we feel far out on the edge of the teeter-totter, since our fulcrum is so big, since our relationship with Christ is completely solid, we will not get off balance.  He will direct us.  He will guide us.  He will hold us up.  
   There is no reason to try to get to the center to find the balance, because life is going to continue and situations will arise which will push us to the edge.  But if our center is Big and Strong, we will remain balanced knowing that Jesus is our support.