Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Best Gift Ever!!

Another surprise this Christmas came in the form of a very precious gift.  For the month of December, unbeknown to me, Seth and the girls were preparing a musical number to perform for me on Christmas day.  Adalie was to play the piano, while all three girls sang this song. . .

We Three Daughters  
(to the tune of We Three Kings)

by Seth, Adalie, Kylia, and Zoie Himes

We three daughters of my mommy
She teaches us to be so lovely
School and sewing, music and dancing
we are her daughters three.

Oh, Oh, mama-mia you're so fine
mama-mia you are mine
Sports and drama, riding lamas?
Thank you mom for being divine!

When the performance came to an end there were tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. 


  1. I cried like a baby, and the song wasn't even to me! Way to go, girls (and Seth) - your mommy only deserves the very best, and you gave it to her!!

  2. So precious! What a wonderful gift. :)

  3. Seriously, that has to be about the cutest thing I've ever read! Girl, you got a great man!
