Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Togetherness 2010

 Our Christmas Highlights.  Now remember, we had the flu and so our days were spent resting in the comfort of our family's homes.  Not a lot of activities, but a lot of togetherness, and great gifts to boot!
 Band Beauties!  Kylia received a pink Fender electric guitar from her Auntie and Justin.  Zoie received a snare drum and cymbal.  Adalie is learning to play the piano and so we are now a complete band!  Be looking for the band "AKZ Girls" in the coming years.  They just need a little time to practice. :)

Tradition! Christmas morning isn't complete without yummy cinnamon rolls in the shape of a tree!

 You may be wondering why all the safety gear while roller skating?  Does this sports court look familiar?  About 6 months ago, this is the exact spot daddy broke his leg.  These skates were given by Auntie and Justin who were present at the time of the leg break and didn't want to repeat the incident.  I.E. we have helmet, wrist pads, elbow pads, and knee pads.  We couldn't find human safety bubbles, so these had to do. :) 
 Kylia had been asking for an American Girl, Just Like Me Doll the entire year.  Do you think she received it?  Way to go Grandma Sherri!  You put a look of utter amazement on my daughters face.

 Sherri's Restaurant on Christmas Eve, Eve.  Spending time with the ones we love, when everyone else is asleep and we still want to play.
 Seth's Christmas Gift?  A special date for the two of us. 
 Loving on our Aunt Kayla and Uncle Ben.  So glad we were able to spend a few days together.
This Christmas Kylia experienced the Nutcracker Ballet for the first time.  Dressing in our Christmas best, we had a girl's night out complete with Grandma, two Auntie's, Adalie, and me. 

We are so blessed to have a wonderful family to share Christmas with! 


  1. Fun post, April! All such wonderful memories!

  2. Beautiful pictures, April! I LOVE that your girls are a band!!!! AKZ GirlZ
    I can see the wholesome kids tv show now: starring Adalie, Kylia, and Zoe Himes, rockin' the Disney generation with uplifting and positive music!
