Sunday, January 2, 2011

Don't Kill Me!!

My husband has always considered himself to be somewhat like Superman.  Invincible!  Immortal!  Basically amazing.  We all had to agree. :)  But on July 11th of this year, he realized something different.  He broke his leg in a major way, requiring surgery and many months of recovery.  We spent an entire month in Portland (where the accident happened) visiting the doctor and hospital numerous times.  Upon our return home, realizing he was no longer invincible Seth increased his life insurance policy to an amount that would take care of his family should anything worse ever happen. 

Since then he has been asking me silly questions or making queer statements, most of which come across like this, "You're not going to kill me are you?" 

All I can say to that is, "Nope, you silly man."

(I'd rather have you than all the money in the world.)


  1. Hahaha! I remember this conversation (or rather, you sharing this story) last week, and how we talked about the fact that you needed to include this on your blog. :) This makes me smile!

  2. You can't snuggle with money! Keep him healthy.
