Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Want to Be . . . Different

What makes a person begin to see themselves in a different light? What makes a little girl desire to look different, act different or be different? Just this last week I had both Adalie and Zoie share with me some of these desires. As I was putting on my make-up Adalie came into the room and said, "Mommy, I don't want to be seven. I want to be five or six because I was cute then. I want to be cute." And then later that same day, I told Zoie that she was cute (maybe this is where the above comment came from) and she said, "I don't want to be cute, I want to be cool! Because I am cool!!"

Well Adalie, you are cute and beautiful, precious and sweet, and you have such a wonderful heart. I am so proud of you and I love you enormously.
Zoie, you are perfectly cool! :) I'm sorry though chica, you are stinkin' cute. Mama loves you so much.
Oh Lord, help us to raise our children so they are always content with how you made them and expectant for all that you have for them. Help them to know that they are beautiful inside and out and that you made them perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. We've had some of that at the Bailey camp as well. Lord, grant us wisdom!!
