Friday, June 11, 2010

What is a Vacation?

This question may seem a little odd, but to my Zoie, age 3, this was a very real question. It was never asked in these exact words, but it came in other ways and with other questions.

While waiting to board the plane, Zoie's sweatshirt sleeve was being nervously chewed upon. This is something that she never does and made me wonder just what was going through her little mind. (Please note the wetness and placement of her sleeve in the picture below.)
While sitting on the runway, waiting in line for our turn to take to the skies, Zoie asked, "Are we in Hawaii now?"

She was first to pick up the safety pamphlet and "read" it from cover to cover. Strangely, that seemed to make her happy (not nervous).
The plane ride went fairly smoothly with only, "Daddy are we going into the clouds?" being asked.

But when we landed in Hawaii, the questions really started to flow. As the airplane taxied to our gate she asked, "Daddy, is it looking for the hotel?" and "Looks like we won't have to row!"

As we exited the plane and headed to baggage claim she asked, "Is this where the pool is?"

Waiting for our rental car, the time feeling like 11:30 p.m. to Zoie, she asked, "Is this car going to take us home?" "Where is our bed?" "Is this car going to take me to my bed?"

We hadn't brought many of her toys from home, or other familiar items, and I realized on Sunday morning the importance of having something familiar. Seth plugged in our Ipod and blasted worship music throughout the house. When Zoie came downstairs, she heard the music and her face lit up. "Our Ipod is here?!!?!" Then she ran to her sisters and exclaimed joyously, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

Her questions were so precious. Her desire to understand "Vacation" so obvious, and its meaning was explained in many different ways by many different people.

By the end of our trip however, I still don't know that Zoie completely understood "Vacation", but I am confident of this, she had a wonderful one!!

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