Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Shoot

Two days after Seth's accident, he had a shoot scheduled to interview Karen Kingsbury. Without the ability to move, he had to call in reinforcements. To the rescue came our friends Mark and Tiffany, and Amber's boyfriend, Justin. (We love our friends!)

The night was amazing! Our crew did a great job of setting up the equipment and filming. The interview went beautifully, and Seth was able to film the interview which made his night.
We got to know Karen's family, whom we fell in love with. We were invited to stay for dinner. And by the end of the evening we felt more like family than a film crew. As we were heading to leave, Karen opened her book closet to Tiffany and I. We were given boxes and told, "Fill 'em up." We were in heaven.

What I loved about Karen and her family was their passion for the Lord, and the way they lived that out. It was evident throughout the evening, and made me thankful to have gotten a chance to live life with them for the night.

Bad Volleyball!

We came to Portland for a birthday party two weeks ago, and now two weeks later, we are still here. Why, you may ask? Seth spiked a volleyball. That is all.

Unfortunately, in the process he came down cock-eyed on his ankle, broke it in three places, dislocated it and tore the ligaments in between. (But, I have to tell you, he scored the point and our team was winning. There is always good that can be found amidst the bad. :)

To continue with the good, once back home from the ER, Seth asked if he had sworn in his pain and I answered with a hearty, "No! You are growing up honey!"

As Seth was being wheeled out to the ambulance, he asked me to run and get the girls. He wanted them to know that daddy was okay. Kylia was pretty upset. She had already had a traumatic evening. About an hour prior to this new drama, daddy had been working on getting out a tooth, her very first tooth, and now, to top off the night, daddy was hurt. Seth gave all three a hug, reassured them he would be fine and asked them to pray for him. Then at the ER he apologized for the accident. (Silly nut! I'm not broken!) His heart was for his girls and for me and I love him for that.

Now, it has been a few days, and I have to admit the pain has not always been fun to deal with, but just this morning Seth asked, "Have I been nicer with my words lately? I've been trying really hard." I've noticed you've been trying honey, and yes you have.

It's never easy for a wife to see her husband hurting, (Believe me, I know. I got light headed and nauseous three times in the course of the ER night.) but it is nice to see growth happening amidst the pain. I love my man, and I love to see God use every situation for his glory.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Adalie told me this morning, "Mom, I'm going to get out two picture Bibles and my big Bible and read to my sisters. Because they need to learn about Jesus too." I thought that sounded super sweet but then quickly forgot all about it and hurried about my morning.

The girls were playing outside and I noticed they had gotten really quiet, so I headed out to check on them and make sure everything was okay. As I peaked my head around the corner, there they were, all 3 of them sitting on a blanket, and Adalie reading the Bible to them.
The blanket was placed perfectly in the one strip of sun shining through in the morning, Kylia and Zoie very intent on what was being spoken. Mommy's heart was blessed.

Adalie, you are right, your sisters need to learn about Jesus too. Thank you for sharing Him with them.