Thursday, July 8, 2010


Adalie told me this morning, "Mom, I'm going to get out two picture Bibles and my big Bible and read to my sisters. Because they need to learn about Jesus too." I thought that sounded super sweet but then quickly forgot all about it and hurried about my morning.

The girls were playing outside and I noticed they had gotten really quiet, so I headed out to check on them and make sure everything was okay. As I peaked my head around the corner, there they were, all 3 of them sitting on a blanket, and Adalie reading the Bible to them.
The blanket was placed perfectly in the one strip of sun shining through in the morning, Kylia and Zoie very intent on what was being spoken. Mommy's heart was blessed.

Adalie, you are right, your sisters need to learn about Jesus too. Thank you for sharing Him with them.