Monday, September 27, 2010


Seth and I were in bed last night reminiscing. We were talking about our college days, our friends, our crushes, or lack of them (due to the fact that I was madly in love with Seth almost immediately), and the fun times we had. Seth was my best friend in college and that still holds true today. He was the one guy I could talk to about anything, and we talked constantly. I didn't care what I ate around him, because he didn't care. He made me laugh, and yes, cry ( remember those crushes from before?). We danced together, raced each other, took romantic strolls in the rain, and just enjoyed being in one-another's presence. Today, almost 12 years into our marriage, we are still best friends. I love my man. I love the conversations we have had lately as we are falling off to sleep. I love that he will always be my BFF.


  1. Too cute, and absolutely perfect. Love you guys. Thanks for being an example to many of what it means to be in love, with Christ as your center.

  2. Awesome testimony. Whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, your love for one another will always prevail. Blessings

  3. Happy Anniversary! Your friendship radiates out to others! You guys are such a blessing.
