Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blogging to Remember

My girls are now almost 7, almost 5, and just 3. They are beautiful, and fun, and filled with energy. They are full of life.I am their mama. Being their mama means I have a lot of responsibilities, and sometimes who they are and what they do, gets lost in the craziness of life. That is why I am beginning this blog. I want to remember.

I want to remember mornings like today. I was making breakfast for the girls, an amazing breakfast consisting of Honey Nut Cheerios, toast, and orange juice. Whenever I make toast for my family (even my dad when he comes to visit) I take a bite out of the toast. I’ve told the girls that the bite is to let them know how much they are loved. Well, this morning, as is now normal, I made their toast and took a bite out of it. As Kylia carried her toast to the table she said so sweetly, “Thanks for the love bite, mom.” I just smiled. This morning, in some silly way, she knew I cared.

I want to remember the silliness of my girls, the sweet moments, and the special times. I also want to remember the man I haven fallen even more in love with over the past ten years. I want to remember those things he says and does that make my heart melt, and my love for him grow.

For example, a few months back, I had a man stop me in the Walmart parking lot. The three girls were buckled in the car, and I was returning my cart. He simply said, “Excuse me, I’m sorry, you’re gorgeous.” (Now, I have to admit, this caught me quite off guard because it rarely happens. I let off a vibe that shouts, “I’m taken, and happy!”) Then he asked, “Are you married?” I responded quickly with, “Very happily!” and pointed to my girls. I went home and told Seth what had happened. The next day I had to leave for a bit and Seth stayed with the girls. When I got home there was a note on the fridge that said, “I think you’re gorgeous!” Then for the next month, he repeated those wonderful words. Coming from him, a man who has watched our three babies be born, seen me every morning for the last ten years, seen me irritable and seen me sad, my heart soared. To know, even after all these years, my husband sees me as gorgeous is amazing.

I am so blessed, and this blog is to help me remember just that.

I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. April, I absolutely adore your blog. You are a beautiful writer and I thoroughly enjoyed reading each post. I only hope you check to see if you have any comments, even though this is a "private" blog. Thank you for sharing your life like this. Well done. Love you!
