Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zoie's Ultimate Story!

"I am going to read you a story", Zoie declared as she sat down with Bible in hand. She opened the Bible and began, "This is a story about Jonah and the Big Fish".
It went something like this, "In the beginning there was a big fish. The big fish swallowed a little fish. Then Sleeping Beauty became friends with the fish. There was a giant, but he died. And Daniel was with the lions. And a meatball fell from the sky. Then Golden Eagle saved Megan who was screaming. Then Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus were in a big storm and it was really cold." The story continued like this for a while. In it was every story she has ever heard. Some of them Biblical, some from movies and another from a story daddy tells at night. None of the stories complete, some mixed-up, but all told, completely adorable. She then closed the Bible, said, "The End", and headed to bed.

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