Monday, April 11, 2011

The 11th Hour

It seems we have arrived at this hour yet again.  The 11th hour.  The hour when you begin to wonder, will the Lord show up?  Will He reveal His miracle working power like He has so many times in our lives?  Yes, we are at the 11th hour.  But what I wanted to report on this occasion, are the state of my emotions. 

I would like to begin by bringing you back a year, to another time much like this one.  Another 11th hour.  At this time I was a wreck.  I was stressed.  I was burdened.  I honestly was lacking trust in my man and in my God.  I remember trying to trust in the Lord and believe that He would provide, but I couldn't get it from my head to my heart.  This was an 11th hour I was not proud of. 

Now, looking back four months.  Yet another 11th hour.  This time my emotions were not filled with stress or burden, but simply sadness.  It was December, the Christmas season, and I had a sadness that I couldn't seem to kick.  I felt a bit numb.  I wanted desperately to enjoy the season, but felt unable to because of the circumstances. 

Today, our current 11th hour is here.  My emotions today, I am happy to report, are filled with an awaiting excitement for what the Lord is about to reveal.  I am expectant and anticipating His greatness.  He has proven Himself faithful again and again, and so in this hour I am joyfully awaiting all that He has in store.  This is an hour that God shines.  It seems that it is at this time that we are most able to SEE His amazing goodness.  And so my eyes are open wide, and I am giddy with excitement for all the Lord has in store.  It's going to be amazing! 


  1. Love it!! I can't wait to hear/read the praise provision report. You are already living like you have it!

  2. Amen! HE is faithful. As your friend, I am expectant for the breakthrough about to happen in the Himes home too! Do it God!!!!
