Monday, March 14, 2011

What would you say?

Four weeks ago Seth and I began an intense discipleship training class.  I was excited for this class and wondered what I would learn and how much stronger my relationship with the Lord would become.  The class started Sunday afternoon and then Monday began the reason for my title, "What would you say?"  On Monday, Seth began feeling a little under the weather, but was still able to function.  On Tuesday the fever had hit, with chills and all.  Tuesday also brought about a blown tire that had to be completely replaced due to the largeness of the slash.  Wednesday I received heart breaking news from a friend.  Thursday, Seth and I were not communicating well. Friday, Adalie came down with a fever, which seemed better Saturday morning, but then at 2:00 all three girls were cuddled up under blankies claiming they were cold, and 1, 2, 3 all had fevers.  Our internet went down on Saturday (which is the reason for such a long break in my writing), and without internet we were unable to view our church service on Sunday. 

One requirement of this class was to attend a service each weekend as well as the class.  With three girls with fevers and a husband with a fever coming and going all throughout the week, this requirement was not fulfilled. 

I began thinking, "Is the enemy trying to attack our family?  Is his goal to keep us from this class?"  Then I felt the Lord whisper, "Look at your week again."  I thought that was strange, but began a fresh look.  And this is what I noticed.  Monday, Valentines Day, Seth and I had a wonderful date.  We celebrated our 14-year dating anniversary at the Melting Pot.  The fact that we were able to celebrate there, or anywhere, was a reminder of the goodness of the Lord and the incredible blessings He has bestowed on our family.  Tuesday, our tire was still under warranty and therefore did not cost us to replace it.  Wednesday, I received blessed news from a dear friend and was able to rejoice with her.  Friday, our tax return arrived.  Saturday, all three girls got sick at the same time which enabled us to get the bug through our family quicker than if we would have played, 'tag your it!'.  Saturday, Seth and my communication was fixed.  And without internet for fifteen days, we were kept from unwanted distractions while we were trying to focus solely on the Lord. 

So, that brings me to my question.  "What would you say?"  Did this week bring about an attack from the enemy, or was it a week of blessing from the Lord? 

I'm starting to see it as the latter. 

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to your goodness and blessing. 


  1. Great attitude! The enemy is always looking for a way to remove us from God's presence and focus on the negative. Being grateful and thankful in all situations is hard. Thanks for your word of encouragement. Love ya, Marilyn

  2. Wow April! It's amazing what we can learn if we listen to the Lord and look at things from His perspective. This is great. I can't wait to hear more from what you learn.
