Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soccer Joy

Yesterday was the last day of soccer. What a fun season it was! We had an awesome coach that loved the kids, and the Lord. The girls had a blast! And Seth and I fell more in love with our babes as we watched them overcome frustrations, get back up when they were knocked down, and smile all the while they were out on the field. Coach Pete gave everyone a certificate at the end of the game and wrote comments that I believe sum up the way the girls played in a wonderful way!

"Adalie plays soccer like a tiger--just when the other team thinks they're safe, she pounces. She's definitely not afraid to attack the ball." Boy, did she ever! Adalie scored three goals during this season and always gave it 100%. She made her daddy proud and we were all screaming from the sidelines to cheer on our girl. She did great!

"Kylia has one of the best attitudes of any kid I've ever coached. She hustles and makes the game more fun for everyone." Kylia's attitude was so sweet. She would be skipping down the field, smile radiant on her face, so thrilled to be alive. Every once in a while she would stop and strike a pose, or wave a happy wave.

Who knew soccer could be so fun?


  1. We sure had fun watching both of you play soccer! Grandpa and I really like to come and watch your games. We will come again next year for another soccer season.

  2. That is awesome! Way to go Himes girls! They look like sheer delight out on the field.

  3. I'm so glad you girls got to play on a soccer team this year! I'm so proud of you both! Love you, Auntie
