Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Thankful Heart

For small group last night we were in charge of dessert. After dinner Adalie asked if she could have her dessert early. I told her that if she ate it now she wouldn't be able to eat it later with the rest of the children. We agreed, she took her small cookie and she was off to play. After our meeting, the kids converged on the kitchen and the dessert was dispersed. All 13 children were gobbling their yummies, and Adalie was standing by my side, a bit sad, but not asking for anything. For some reason, I really wanted to bless her, and so I gave her a bitty scoop of icecream and another bitty cookie. She took them into the other room and began to eat. As I walking through the room, checking on the kids, I walked by Adalie. She stopped me and with such quiet sincerity stated, "Thank you soooooo much." That was it. Four little words. But to a mommy, those words meant the world. My desire was to bless her that evening, but her thankful heart truly blessed me.


  1. Adalie, you are such a sweetheart to say thank you to your mom. We love you!

    Grandma Marty

  2. Those things you never forget. Way to go mommy and Adalie!
