Monday, January 24, 2011


I want to leave a legacy.  I heard a sermon in which the pastor shared about his mother.  He remembered, as a young boy, waking up in the morning to his mother praying in the living room.  This was her ritual.  Every morning, she would pray with a blanket over her head (I'm assuming to prevent interruption).  What an amazing picture to stick with a young boy for life, his mother beginning her day with the Lord. 

I too want to pass down to my children my love for the Lord.  Now, I don't begin my day with a blanket over my head, but I hope my children have a similar picture of me when they are grown.  I hope they see my desire for the Lord.  I hope they see me growing every day to look more and more like Him.  And my greatest hope is that my devotion to the Lord will in turn stir their hearts to love Him in an even greater way. 

This mother left a legacy that produced in her son a heart to pastor.  I don't know what my legacy will be, but I do know that it must start with the Lord.  And hopefully, my life will touch three little girls who will grow up to become mighty women of God. 


  1. Oh April, what a sweet desire. I prayed for the same thing as my kids were growing up. They are now 28, 26, and 24 years old and every one of them has let me know in one way or another that they saw my efforts to reflect Jesus in my life and our home. So I know your girls will see, know, and remember too.

  2. Well hello there Miss April, I didn't know you had a blog until Lori brought it to my attention when I was reading hers. I am a follower as of today! (smile)
    And yes, you brought up a very good point, I want my boys to remember how I prayed for my babes each night out loud that they would have their own relationship with Him, a Momma's heart's desire...legacy! Well said!
