Friday, January 21, 2011

Sharing My Joy

 I just wanted to share a little of my joy.  These three pictures show our pantry, freezer and cleaning supplies.  Please take note, they are all full!!!!!  We have never gone hungry and the Lord has always provided for our needs.  This however, is the first time I have seen this much food in our house!  Thank you, Jesus, for your provision and blessing.  We are forever grateful!

P.S. Our deep freezer had been filled with milk jugs full of water, until this shopping trip as well.  Now it is filled with food! :) 

Hee, Hee, Hee, this makes me happy.


  1. Thank you for sharing your joy. You are always an inspiration to me, at truly keeping the TRUE perspective. Love you.

  2. Hahaha!!! I LOVE the pictures! I'm so glad you shared this! Everybody needs a little encouragement every now and then, and this is PERFECT!!!
